"I don't know all that Michael experienced on his retreat… What I do know is that, for the first time in a long time, my 17 year old son
came home and told me that he loved me...."
Supporting the Cabrini Retreat Center
Thank you for your interest in making a gift to Cabrini Retreat Center. There are a number of ways that you can support the mission of the Center.
- You can be a “Retreat Angel” and help support a needy student. Your gift of $30 or whatever you can share, will help us to continue providing a secure, inviting atmosphere in which more young people can examine their lives and explore their faith. A full 4-day retreat is $290. Perhaps you and friends or family can form a “Band of Angels” to sponsor one student. Your support can make a difference in the life of a young person and provide a ripple effect as they reach out with renewed faith and love to their family and into their community.
- You might consider donating $50, $100, $150, or $200.
- Online Giving: Please use our secure Paypal connection to make a one-time or recurring credit card gift to Cabrini Retreat Center. Please note that you do not have to be a Paypal member to pay by Paypal. Paypal accepts all the standard credit cards.
- Donate by Mail/Telephone: Make a gift by sending a check, payable to Cabrini Retreat Center to 9430 Golf Road, Des Plaines, IL 60016 or call in a donation with your credit card to 847-297-6530.
- Matching Gifts: Double your donation through a corporate matching gift. Most companies recognize the importance of charitable donations and encourage such gifts by offering this as an employee benefit. Please contact human resources at your firm to learn more.
- Remember Cabrini Retreat Center in Your Will: As you provide for your loved ones in your will, you may also wish to leave an additional amount for your charitable interests. You may name a specific amount, a percentage of your estate, or the remainder.
- While outright gifts are most immediately helpful to the Cabrini Center, donors may also contribute through bequests, trusts, insurance, life estate arrangements, etc. Many of these offer substantial tax, planning and other financial benefits.
Please consult your tax advisor or attorney for help and further information.
Advent Appeal Letter (PDF)
Cabrini Retreat Center, Inc. is a 501 c 3 charity.
Gifts are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.